【International Foundation Program 國際專修部申請入學】
What is International Foundation Program?
CCU established “International Foundation Program” in 2022, in order to educate overseas talents for the key industries.
The curriculum of International Foundation Program is 1 Year of Chinese preparatory program (Chinese language beginners are eligible to apply.) + 4 years of Bachelor's degree program.
By the end of the Chinese Language courses, students need to pass (A2) of the Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language (TOCFL) in listening and reading to continue to study for the Bachelor program. By end of the freshman year, students must pass (B1) of the Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language (TOCFL).
After studying in the academic program for one year, students may apply for a transfer to a different field of study such as in manufacturing, construction, agriculture, service industry or long-term care within the same university or at other universities.
Please refer to the admission handbook of International Foundation Program for more details.
申請資格 Eligibility
【外國學生International Students】
For Applicants who are International Students, must meet the requirements of the regulation from the Ministry of Education "International Students Undertaking Studies in Taiwan" and the academic qualifications are eligible to apply for admission. Important provisions are excerpted below:
1. 從來沒有擁有過中華民國國籍,申請時也不具僑生資格者。
A person of foreign nationality who never have been a citizen of the R.O.C., and didn't hold an Overseas Chinese Student Status during time of application.
2. 同時具有中華民國國籍,且未曾在臺設有戶籍
Also citizen of the R.O.C., and has never applied for household registration in Taiwan.
3. 申請前曾經同時具外國國籍以及中華民國國籍,於申請時經內政部許可喪失中華民國國籍之日起至申請時已滿8年
A person who before the time of their application also held dual R.O.C. nationality but no longer does at the time of their application shall have renounced their R.O.C. nationality with the approval of the Ministry of the Interior on a date at least 8 full years before making their application.
上述1 ~ 3,申請時已連續居留海外6年以上者(每年在台灣停留時間不超過120日)。且從來未以僑生身分在臺就學,也從未接受海外聯合招生委員會分發。
The above 1 ~ 3, a person who at the time of his/her application has resided overseas for at least 6 years (did not spend more than a total of 120 days in Taiwan in each calendar year) and has never previously undertaken studies in Taiwan as an overseas Chinese student nor have accepted a placement by the University Entrance Committee for Overseas Chinese Students in the current academic year.
4. 具外國國籍,同時具香港或澳門永久居留資格,且未曾在臺設有戶籍,申請時於香港、澳門或海外連續居留滿6年以上者(每年在台灣停留時間不超過120日)。
An applicant of foreign nationality, who is eligible for permanent residence in Hong Kong or Macau, who has never had household registration in Taiwan, and who at the time of their application has resided in Hong Kong, Macau, or elsewhere overseas continuously for at least six years (did not spend more than a total of 120 days in Taiwan in each calendar year).
5. 曾經是中國大陸地區人民,同時具外國國籍且未曾在臺設有戶籍,申請時已連續居留海外6年以上者(每年在台灣停留時間不超過120日) 。
A person who was formerly from the Mainland Area and who has foreign nationality and has have never had household registration in Taiwan, and who at the time of their application has resided overseas continuously for at least six years (did not spend more than a total of 120 days in Taiwan in each calendar year).
If you cannot find your identity condition match with requirements stated in above 5 statuses, it means that you are not eligible to apply for admission as an International student!
港澳生:香港或澳門居民,取得港澳永久居留資格證件,且最近連續居留境外六年以上;並符合香港澳門關係條例第四條規定,未持有外國護照者, 得申請來臺灣地區就學。港澳生身分認定,由教育部為之。
學力(歷)資格 Adequate Scholastic Ability (Academic Qualifications)
【外國學生International Students】
Freshmen and first year graduate students: A person who has graduated from a high school, college, or university recognized by the Ministry of Education, R.O.C., can apply for admission, or a person who meets the “Standards for Recognition of Equivalent Educational Levels for University Admission”regulations are considered as having an adequate level of education to register for the new student enrollment entrance examination.
International students with a high school diploma are eligible to apply for undergraduate programs.
1. 申請人須具國外高中畢業,或依「入學大學同等學力認定標 準」第9條,符合「大學辦理國外學歷採認辦法」或「香港澳門學 歷檢覈及採認辦法」規定者,得準用「入學大學同等學力認定標準」 第2條第1款規定辦理。
2. 以中五學制(畢業年級相當於臺灣高級中等學校二年級者)申請者, 依「入學大學同等學力認定標準」第9條得報名入學大學一年級, 但應增加畢業應修學分,或延長修業年限。
申請期程 Application Date
秋季班申請日期: 第一梯次:2024 年 5 月1 日至 6 月 30 日報名 第二梯次:2024年7月1日至8月5日報名 Application Date: Round 1:May 1, 2024 – June 30, 2024 Round 2:July 1,2024-August 5, 2024
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